AEEC Spring Conference 2021
The desire and need for a robust, integrated approach to climate change has never been more critical. Every country and every sector of industry, commerce and society has a part to play. But how do we decarbonize our societies – how will we achieve net zero 2050 when heating and transportation are so critical to this and we have barely scratched the surface on decarbonising these sectors?
Shakespeare Martineau is delighted to be the UK host this year of the AEEC Spring Conference which takes place on 29 April 2021. With COP26 on the horizon, we invite you to join us to hear more about how heat and transport sectors can decarbonise and the legal and regulatory frameworks needed to achieve this. We’ll also discuss funding challenges on the road to 2050 and how Brexit has impacted the energy sector.
Please do take a look at the full agenda and speakers, all of whom are experts in their field and we do hope you will be able to join us – please register here. This event will be relevant to those working in the energy and sustainability sectors.